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Balloon Bouquets
Many people find traditional bouquets of flowers rather clichéd. However, balloon bouquets can add a touch of festivity, complement the main gift in a creative way or even act as a charming 'wrapping'. They are the perfect gift for any occasion, be it for a colleague or the boss. A great way to cheer up a friend or remind a loved one of your affection.

We're here to help you surprise and impress. We've got a huge range of balloon bouquets for every occasion. Simply choose your favourite, specify the delivery date and location and place your order. You can pay for your balloon bouquet online or on delivery.

Our catalogue includes balloon bouquets for
  • Birthdays;
  • Boys and Girls;
  • Baby showers, stag nights, hen nights and other celebrations;
  • Bridal parties, weddings;
  • Formal occasions, business meetings.

We can customise a bouquet just for you: add a greeting, a wish, include balloons in the shape of stars and hearts or your favourite cartoon character, remove or add a specific colour. We can also create a bespoke bouquet based on your ideas: just tell us what you have in mind or send us a photo.

Our balloons are delivered pre-inflated with air or helium. We carefully pack all bouquets before despatch, using only high quality balloons.

We operate 24/7. If you have a spontaneous idea, we offer express delivery within a few hours, even in the middle of the night. We can deliver to any location in Dubai, be it an apartment, private home, hotel or even the beach.

Can't decide on a bouquet or are looking for something special? Just give us a call. We excel at surprises!
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