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Hotel room decoration
When you're staying in a hotel room, your options for surprising your loved one are limited. However, it doesn't take much to create a festive or romantic atmosphere. Hotel room balloon decoration kits can work wonders to create a variety of bright emotions and turn an ordinary trip into one that will be remembered for years to come.

The BallonBar online shop will help you decorate the room with balloons. We have party planning experts and professional designers on board. We've prepared compositions of ceiling sets, arches and bouquets to decorate hotel rooms for different occasions:

  • Romantic evening;
  • Welcoming a mother with a newborn baby;
  • Wedding anniversary;
  • Themed sets for New Year, Valentine's Day, etc.

In addition, we can create a hotel room decoration set with a bespoke design to suit your needs. Just tell us your idea or show us a photo.

You don't have to hunt for balloons, drive all over town, assemble the composition and spend the night inflating the balloons. We'll do it all for you. We can even surprise and decorate the hotel room while you or your loved one is away. Packaging and helium are included in the price.

Our balloons are certified to international standards. They are made from hypoallergenic materials and retain their shape for at least two days.

We operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Urgent same-day delivery to any hotel in Dubai is possible. To place an order, please call us or submit an online enquiry.
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