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Latex Helium Balloons
The sheer joy a child experiences at the sight of a balloon! But adults are no different; they too find joy in these seemingly simple yet profoundly meaningful latex balloons.

Helium balloons have the power to brighten any occasion, whether you're simply looking to brighten the day of a loved one, son, daughter or to support a friend. And it doesn't take much time or effort. We're here to help. We offer ready-made bouquets and balloon sets for every occasion. Check out our catalogue:

  • Small helium balloons (size S) from 10 to 25 cm;
  • Medium latex balloons (size M) up to 50 cm;
  • Jumbo balloons (sizes L and XL) over 60 cm;
  • Regular balloons in bright colours: green, yellow, pink, blue, red and white;
  • Metallic coloured balloons: gold, silver, cobalt, pearl;
  • Jumbo clear balloons filled with mini balloons or soft toys;
  • Balloons with non-standard shapes: spherical, heart-shaped.

Whether you want a single balloon in a box, a bouquet or a complete set to decorate a birthday, graduation, wedding, baby shower or other celebration, we've got you covered. Personalise your latex helium balloon with greetings, wishes, logos or even add a card or treat.

Our latex balloons are made from natural rubber with safe pigments. They are non-allergenic and stay in shape for up to two days. We also coat them with a special glue to keep them in shape longer and make them suitable for outdoor events.

We deliver balloons directly to your door in Dubai. Courier services are available to any location: hotels, hospitals, schools or outdoor parties. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can place an order using the online form on the website or by telephone. Give us a call and let's get your party started!
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